Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Paramore Monster

Monster Lyrics
You were my conscience
so solid now you're like water
We started drowning
not like we'd sink any further
But I let my heart go
it's somewhere down at the bottom
But I'll get a new one.
come back for the hope that you've stolen

I'll stop the whole world
I'll stop the whole world
from turning into a monster, and eating us alive
Don't you ever wonder how we'd survive?
But now that you're gone the world is ours

I'm only human
I've got a skeleton in me
But I'm not the villain
despite what you're always preaching
Call me a traitor
I'm just collecting your victims
They're getting stronger,
I hear them calling

I'll stop the whole world
I'll stop the whole world
from turning into a monster, and eating us alive
Don't you ever wonder how we'd survive?
But now that you're gone the world is ours

Well you found us strength and solutions but I liked the tension
And not always knowing the answers when you're gonna lose it, you're gonna lose it.

I'll stop the whole world
I'll stop the whole world
from turning into a monster, and eating us alive
Don't you ever wonder how we'd survive?
But now that you're gone the world is ours

I'll stop the whole world
I'll stop the whole world
from turning into a monster, and eating us alive
Don't you ever wonder how we'd survive?
But now that you're gone the world is ours

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

wajah artis asia tanpa make up.??

Penasaran kenapa paras artis-artis asia selalu terlihat eksotis dan menawan? Ssssst...! Tanpa make-up, ternyata wajah mereka tidak begitu berbeda dengan wajah kita. Inilah foto-foto polos artis asia tanpa bedak, lipstik, maskara dan benda-benda kimia lainnya di wajah
Miss Korea, Honey Lee
Artis Korea Han Jih-hye
Artis Korea Kim A-Joong
Artis Korea, Song-Hye-kyo
Artis Korea, Lee Hyo-ri

Daftar Daftar Artis korea yang mati bunuh diri

1. Woo Seung Yoon

Artis Woo Seung Yun, berusia 24 tahun ditemukan meninggal pada pagi hari tanggal 27 April 2009 di rumahnya. Artis yang diperkirakan meninggal karena bunuh diri ini ditemukan menggantung diri di lemari pakaian. Depresi dituduh sebagai alasan dari bunuh diri tersebut. Salah satu anggota keluarga Woo Seung Yun mengatakan bahwa baru-baru ini sang artis mendapat perawatan karena depresi yang dideritanya, tapi rupanya hal itu tak bisa menolong depresi yang sudah menggerogoti Woo Seung Yun. Woo Seung Yun memulai karirnya sebagai model dan kemudian berakting dalam sebuah film berjudul “Herb”. Karya terbarunya adalah sebuah peran bersama Hwang Jung Min dalam film “Private Eye”.

2. Unee

Pada 21 Januari 2007, U; Nee gantung diri dirumahnya di Seogu, Incheon, Korea Selatan. Setelah kematian U;nee, neneknya mengadakan konferensi pers di rumah sakit. Dia membenarkan bahwa U; Nee menderita serangan depresi di mana dia meminum banyak obat dan mempunyai masalah yang berhubungan dengan ketenarannya, serta masalah pribadi lainnya.

3. Jung Dabin

Jung Da Bin meninggal pada usia 26 tahun, tiga minggu sebelum ulang tahunnya yang ke 27. Meskipun keluarga dan teman-teman Jung Da Bin mencurigai adanya unsur non-bunuh diri dalam kematian Jung Da Bin, pihak berwajib membantah spekulasi tersebut setelah menjalani investigasi. Artis muda nan cantik ini dikenal melalui penampilannya dalam film Rooftop Room Cat. Dikabarkan, Jung Da Bin mengalami depresi, sama seperti yang dialami Unee. Kematiannya jelas merupakan sebuah kejutan besar di dunia hiburan di Korea, sebab baru sebulan sebelumnya, Unee memutuskan bunuh diri. Dikenal sebagai artis yang ceria dan mudah bergaul, Jung Da Bin muncul di banyak TV drama dan bekerjasama dengan beberapa bintang besar di Korea. Memulai karirnya sebagai model, ia mendapatkan perhatian publik pada tahun 2000 ketika ia mendapatkan peran di film Legend of Gingko sebagai versi muda dari karakter Choi Jin Sil. Karirnya semakin gemilang menginjak tahun 2003 berkat drama laris Rooftop Room Cat. Berkat drama inilah ia menjadi artis TV top. Tahun berikutnya, ia membintangi komedi romantis layar lebar berjudul He Was Cool bersama dengan Song Seung Heon. Kemudia ia membintangi drama populer My 19-Year-Old Sister-in-Law bersama dengan Kim Jae Won. Karya terakhirnya adalah drama berjudul The Typhoon in That Summer pada tahun 2005.

4. Lee Eun Joo

adegan telanjang di film “The Scarlet Letter”. Adegan itulah pemicu utama Lee Eun Joo bunuh diri. Lee Eun Joo pun meninggalkan pesan terakhirnya yang ditulis dengan darah sesaat sebelum ia meninggal yang isinya: Pada 22 February 2005, malam hari. Lee Eun Joo .bunuh diri di apartementnya, Bundang, Seongnam, hanya selang beberapa hari setelah ia lulus dari Universitas. Ia meninggal di usia ke 24 tahun, dia menggorok pergelangan tangannya sendiri setelah itu baru ia menggantung diri di apartementnya. Keluarganya mengatakan bahwa ia bunuh diri karena depresi berat dan mentalnya yang agak terganggu, dan mengatakan ia juga menderita insomnia karena melakukan Bu, saya minta ma’af dan saya mencintaimu. dan juga ada sebuah catatan terpisah yang isinya: Aku ingin melakukan banyak hal. Meskipun aku hidup, aku benar-benar tidak hidup. Aku tidak ingin mengecewakan siapa pun. Aku senang punya banyak uang… Aku ingin menghasilkan banyak uang. Lee Eun Joo dikremasi dan diabadikan di dalam sebuah ruangan. Bahkan teman-teman semasa kuliahnya pun mengadakan In Memorian yang diselenggarakan sesaat setelah ia wafat.

5. Jang Ja Yeon

Seorang artis korea bernama Jang Ja-yeon ditemukan bunuh diri menggantung diri di rumahnya pada tanggal 7 Maret 2009. Artis yang membintangi Boys Before Flowers yang memerankan karakter Sunny adalah artis yang lebih mencengangkan, ternyata dia dijadikan budak sex oleh agensinya. Dia disuruh berhubungan badan dengan orang-orang kaya dan dipukuli jika dia menolak untuk melakukannya. Hal ini diketahui dari catatan yang dia tinggalkan sebelum meninggal. Bahkan rekan-rekannya di Serial Boys Before Flowers pun datang melayat seperti Lee Min Ho, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Bum, Kim Joon, Goo hye sun, dan juga Kim So Eun serta rekan-rekan sesama artis lainnya.

6. Kim Ji Hoo

Kim Ji Hoo gantung diri di rumahnya di Jamsil, Korea Selatan pada 6 Oktober 2008. Sebuah catatan ditemukan di TKP yang berisi: Aku kesepian dan dalam situasi yang sulit. Tolong mengkremasi tubuh saya. Ibu Kim berkata bahwa ia mengalami banyak kesulitan, sementara polisi mengaitkan bahwa ia bunuh diri disebabkan karena prasangka publik terhadap homoseksualitas terhadapnya. Bahkan beberapa hari sebelum mengakhiri hidupnya, ia sempat menulis di webside pribadinya yang berisikan: Life is like the wind. What’s there to agonise over? Meetings are happy, partings are sad, everything is just a moment

7. Park Yong Hwa

Kematian aktor Korea, Park Yong Ha karena melakukan bunuh diri menimbulkan sejumlah pertanyaan. Apa yang membuat aktor top Korea itu mengakhiri hidupnya secara mengenaskan? Kematian Park Yong Ha membuat sejumlah rekannya sesama artis sangat sedih dengan keputusan pria tersebut. Banyak pertanyaan dari aktor dan juga kenalan yang mempertanyakan alasan dibalik bunuh diri bintang ‘Winter Sonata’ tersebut. Pasalnya, para teman-temannya itu melihat sebelum menghembuskan nafas terakhir tak ada keganjilan atau keanehan yang diperlihatkan Park Yong Ha. Tetapi, setelah diselidiki lebih lanjut, kabarnya Park Yong Ha putus asa menghadapi penyakit kanker perut yang diderita sang ayah. Ayahnya sudah cukup lama menderita penyakit serius tersebut. Park Yong Ha sangat menyayangi ayahnya dan dia merasa bersalah atas penyakit yang diderita ayahnya tersebut. Dia sangat peduli dan selalu mengkhawatirkan ayahnya. “Setelah ayahnya dinyatakan sakit kanker, Park Yong Ha merawat ayahnya. Dia selalu mengkhawatirkan ayahnya” kata salah satu teman Park Yong Ha s. Demi sang ayah, aktor yang juga penyanyi ini rela istirahat sementara dari karirnya yang sedang cemerlang di dunia keartisan Korea. Dia memilih untuk tinggal di rumah dan merawat ayahnya yang sedang sakit.”Dia lebih fokus merawat ayahnya,” ucap temannya lagi. Keluarga besar Park Yong Ha memutuskan untuk tidak melakukan otopsi pada jenazah aktor tersebut. Mereka ingin segera memakamkan jasad Park Yong Ha. Pemakaman Park Yong Hadilakukan secara Budha pada tanggal 2 Juli. Dari 2005-2010 ada 1 sampai 2 artis korea yag bunuh diri kecuali di tahun 2006. Rata2 penyebabnya adalah depresi, dan jalan yang ditempuh adalah gantung diri.

menyedihkan banget ya

8. Kim Yuri

Pada tanggal 19 April 2011, model Kim Yuri dilaporkan telah bunuh diri melalui konsumsi racun.
Kim Yuri dilarikan ke rumah sakit di Samsung-dong, Seoul setelah upaya bunuh dirinya ditemukan, namun sebuah laporan kemudian mengungkapkan bahwa dia telah meninggal dunia.
Tampaknya para fans telah diwaspadakan dengan rasa sakit yang Kim Yuri rasakan. Beberapa hari sebelumnya, dia menulis, “Tak peduli berapa kali saya memikirkan tentang ini… Lebih dari seratus kali… Sayalah satu-satunya di dunia ini. “
Lahir pada tahun 1989, Kim Yuri adalah seorang murid jurusan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Hanshin sebelum membuat debut sebagai model untuk merek high-end seperti MCM dan MAX MARA, serta fashion show seperti Seoul dan Daegu Collection.
Netizens telah mengungkapkan kesedihan mereka melalui banyak community board dan homepage-nya, karena ia merupakan salah satu model dengan masa depan yang cemerlang.

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

The only exeption

When I was younger, I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart and I watched
As he tried to reassemble it
And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if it does not exist
But darling, you are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
Maybe I know, somewhere deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways to make it alone
Or keep a straight face
And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable distance
And up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk
But you are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof, it's not a dream, oh
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
And I'm on my way to believing
Oh, and I'm on my way to believing

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

tormented lyric

For the last time
You waste my tears now
No more torment
But don’t just say you’ve gone away
You tell a fuckin’ tale
(Swallow me and spit me out)
How do I get trought of this?
(I can’t stand it anymore)
Can, you, see, me…
Smiling when I sing this song
Right, now…
I just want to be alive
You know I was dying when you told me
(That I’m not yours anymore)
You know I was dying when you told me
(You’re just playing and fooling around with me)
When the time she comes and wakes me
(She comes and wakes me)
And when she bit my lips and kissed me there
And when she holds my hand and lives my life tonight
(Live tonight)
When she said that she really loves me
Were the worst fucking days
I’m dying and bleeding of my past
I’m dying and bleeding of my past
Now slit my throat and let me bleed
Now slit my throat and let me bleed
Can, you, see, me…
Smiling when I sing this song
Right, now…
I just want to be alive
You know I was dying when you told me
(That I’m not yours anymore)
You know I was dying when you told me
(You’re just playing and fooling around with me)
When the time she comes and wakes me
(She comes and wakes me)
And when she bit my lips and kissed me there
And when she holds my hand and lives my life tonight
(Live tonight)
When she said that she really loves me
But suddenly you came to me, and begged me to be yours again
Right now you’re holding my hand but sorry baby, but all I can say is
No, hell no…!!!
Can you see the times grows older
She blew my dreams away
It’s all done, the time is over
I don’t know how to say to you
Can you see the times grows older she blew my dreams away
It’s all done, the time is over
I don’t know how to say
The time is over!!!
The time, NO!!!

brick by boring brick lyric

She lives in a fairy tale
Somewhere too far for us to find
Forgotten the taste and smell
Of the world that she's left behind
It's all about the exposure the lens I told her
The angles were all wrong now
She's ripping wings off of butterflies
keep your feet on the ground
when your head's in the clouds
Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Ba da ba ba da ba ba da
So one day he found her crying
Coiled up on the dirty ground
Her prince finally came to save her
And the rest you can figure out
But it was a trick
And the clock struck twelve
Well make sure to build your home brick by boring brick
or the wolf's gonna blow it down
keep your feet on the ground
when your head's in the clouds
Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Well you built up a world of magic
Because your real life is tragic
Yeah you built up a world of magic
If it's not real
You can't hold it in your hand
You can't feel it with your heart
And I won't believe it
But if it's true
You can see it with your eyes
Oh even in the dark
And that's where I want to be, yeah
Go get your shovel
We'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Well go get your shovel
and we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle
Guys x2:
ba da ba ba da ba ba da......
Hayley x2:
ba da ba ba da ba ba da.....

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

smile_avril lavigne

You know that I'm a crazy bitch,
I do what I want when I feel like it,
All I wanna do is loose control,
But you don't really give a shit,
You go with go with go with it,
Cause you're fucking crazy rock-n-roll

You said hey,
What's your name,
It took one look,
And now I'm not the same,
Yeah you said hey,
And since that day,
You stole my heart and you're the one to blame,

And that's why... I smile,
It's been a while,
Since everyday and everything has felt this right...
And now,
You turn it all around,
And suddenly you're all I need,
The reason why-I-I-I,
I smi-I-ile.

Last night I blacked out I think,
What did you what did you put in my drink?
I remember making out and then,
I woke up with a new tattoo,
Your name was on me and my name was on you,
I would do it all over again.

You said hey,
What's your name,
It took one look,
And now i'm not the same,
You said hey,

[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/smile-lyrics-avril-lavigne.html ]

And since that day,
You stole my heart and you're the one to blame,

And that's why... I smile,
It's been a while,
Since everyday and everything has felt this right...
And now,
You turn it all around,
And suddenly you're all I need,
The reason why-I-I-I,
I smi-I-ile.

You know that I'm a crazy bitch,
I do what I want , when I feel like it
All I wanna do is loose control,
You know that I'm a crazy bitch,
I do what I want , when I feel like it
All I wanna do is loose control-o-ol.

And that's why... I smile,
It's been a while,
Since everyday and everything has felt this right...
And now,
You turn it all around,
And suddenly you're all I need,
The reason why-I-I-I,
I smi-I-ile,
The reason,
The reason why-I-I-I,
I smi-I-ile,
The reason why-I-I-I,
I smi-I-ile.

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

i'm into you

Na na nananana nana na-eh (4x)

[Lil Wayne]

Ahem, Hi, I'm Tune, the man on the moon
I live on the beach, get the sand out ya shoes
And all of that changed since I met you
So we can leave that old shit in the restroom
Young Money!...


You've got me and I could not defend it
I tried but I had to surrender
Your style got me under the spell
Left me no other choice but to get down

It's too late (it's too late), it's too late (it's too late)

It's too late, it's too late
You've got it (you've got it), you've got it (you've got it)
You've got it (you've got it), you've got it

When I look into your eyes, it's over

You've got me hooked with your love controller
I'm trippin' and I could not get over
I feel lucky like a four leaf clover

Cuz I'm into you, I'm into you

I'm into you, yeaaah
I'm into you, I'm into you
I'm into you, yeaaah

Nana nananana nana-na-eh (4x)

Listen, now I'm strong baby I bring the fire on

Sharp shooter, you can call me the zion
I'm not the one easy to get to
But all that changed, baby when I met you

It's too late (it's too late), it's too late (it's too late)

It's too late (it's too late), it's too late
You've got it (you've got it), you've got it (you've got it)
You've got it (you've got it), you've got it

[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/im-into-you-lyrics-jennifer-lopez.html ]

When I look into your eyes, it's over

You've got me hooked with your love controller
I'm trippin' and I could not get over
I feel lucky like a four leaf clover

Cuz I'm into you, I'm into you

I'm into you, yeaaah
I'm into you, I'm into you
I'm into you, yeaaah

[Lil Wayne]

Ok, now I'm into you, like you never knew
I'm falling for you baby, I need a parachute
So wet, I need a wetsuit
You're way too fly, I could be ya jet fuel
Now tell me what you like
I like what you tell me
And if you understand me, than you can overwhelm me
It's too late, it's too late
Every finish line is the beginning of a new race


When I look into your eyes, it's over
You've got me hooked with your love controller
I'm trippin' and I could not get over
I feel lucky like a four leaf clover

Cuz I'm into you, I'm into you

I'm into you, yeaaah
I'm into you, I'm into you
I'm into you, yeaaah

Nana nananana nana-na-eh (4x)

Cuz I'm into you, I'm into you

I'm into you, yeaaah baby
I'm into you, I'm into you
I'm into you, yeaaah


(Nal barabwara)

Ddanddaranddan, ddanddaranddan, ddanddaranddan, ddadaddarabba

Ddanddaranddan, ddanddaranddan, ddanddaranddan, ddadaddarabba

[Siwon] Neon alkkamalkka alkkamalkka neomu yeppeun miinah

Nal michyeotdago malhaedo nan niga jotda miinah
[Heechul] Nuga jeonhaejweo my baby, to my baby naega yeogi itdago marya
Gidarinda marya (Baby, you turn it up now)

[Kyuhyun] Neon, gataboota, gataboota mal jom haera miinah

Ni maeumeul gajyeotdamyeon geunyang naneun salmyi winner
[Yesung] Ee sesangyi ichiran, ichiran, yongki itneun jareul ddara
Na gateun nom marya

[Ryeowook] Yet mare say, yeol beon jjigeumyeon neomeoganda

Eusseuk, eusseuk, eusseuk
[Sungmin] Geunyeoneun gangjeok ggeuddeogeobtda
Pijook, pijook, pijook.
[Ryeowook + Sungmin] Nan eodkleokakla eodkleokakla geunyeomani
Nae gwansimin geol, geol, geol

Bounce to you, bounce to you,

Nae gaseumeun neol janghae jabil sudo
Eobseul mankeum ddwigo itneungeol
Break it down to you, down to you,
Nae gaseumi neo, neol gajji
Motandamyeon meomchul georanda (nal barabwara)

Bolkamakla, bolkamakla, boklamakla na gateun namja

Bonchemanche, bonchemanche, bonchemanche doraseo bwado
Bogobwado, bogobwado, bogobwado na bakke eobtda
Bonamana, bonamana, bonamana (Baby, you turn it up now)

[Donghae] Mweol sakkla, sakkla, sakkla, sakkla neoreul wihan seonmul

O, michigetda. Saenggakman haedo joahal ni moseup
[Kyuhyun] Listen girl [Donghae] Joahae
[Kyuhyun] Baby girl [Yesung] Saranghae
[Kyuhyun] Namani neoreul wihan namja
[Yesung] Deureojweo bwa neoreul hyanghan gobaek
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/super_junior/bonamana.html ]

[Ryeowook] Nae mamyi say, aeman taeuji malgo jebal
Ggeudeok, ggeudeok, ggeudeok
[Sungmin] I noryeok jeongdomyeon narado guhae
Giteuk, giteuk, giteuk
[Ryeowook + Sungmin] Nan eoddeogarago, eoddeogarago geunyeomani
Nae jeonbuin geol, geol, geol

Bounce to you, bounce to you,

Nae gaseumeun neol janghae jabil sudo
Eobseul mankeum ddwigo itneungeol
Break it down to you, down to you,
Nae gaseumi neo, neol gajji
Motandamyeon meomchul georanda (nal barabwara)

Bolklamalka, bolkamalka, bolkamalka na gateun namja

Bonchemanche, bonchemanche, bonchemanche doraseo bwado
Bogobwado, bogobwado, bogobwado na bakke eobtda
Bonamana, bonamana, bonamana na bakke eobtda

[Leeteuk] Nan deudyeo michilgeoya. Porkabhae beoril geoya

[Heechul] Deo mot chamgesseo geunyeomanyi milgo danggigi
[Eunhyuk] O jinjja michilgeoya Nuga jom malryeobwa bwa
[Siwon] Ireoke himdeul georan geol nuga marhaesseoyaji

[Ryeowook] (It's) True, true nae gamjeongeun gal gosi eobseo

Nege majchweo beoringeol neon jal aljanni
[Kyuhyun] How to keep loving you?
Naega jinjja nege jaralge idaero nal sseogyeo dujima

[Yesung] Gidarinda Miina!

[Shindong] Hope you'll step to me, step to me
[Yesung] Saranghanda Miina!
[Shindong] Bring it, sign to me, sign to me
Hahahaha hahahahaha
[Ryeowook] Geunyeoga imi nal barabol
[Kyuhyun] Junbiga dwae isseotna bwa

Bounce to you, bounce to you

Nae gaseumeun neol hyanghae jabil sudo
Eobseul mankeum ddwigo itneungeol
Break it down to you, down to you,
Nae gaseumi neo, neol gajji
Motandamyeon meomchul georanda (nal barabwara)

Bolkamalka, bolkamalka, bolkamalka, na gateun namja

Bonchemanche, bonchemanche, bonchemanche, doraseo bwado
Bogobwado, bogobwado, bogobwado, na bakke eobtda
Bonamana, bonamana, bonamana, na bakke eobtda

playing god

I can't make my own decisions
Or make any with precision
Well, maybe you should tie me up
So I don't go where you don't want me

You say that I been changing

That I'm not just simply aging
Yeah, how could that be logical?
Just keep on cramming ideas down my throat

Oh, oh, oh, oh

You don't have to believe me
But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off

Next time you point a finger

I'll point it to the mirror

If God's the game that you're playing

Well, we must get more acquainted
Because it has to be so lonely
To be the only one who's holy

It's just my humble opinion

But it's one that I believe in
You don't deserve a point of view
If the only thing you see is you

Oh, oh, oh, oh

You don't have to believe me
But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off

Next time you point a finger

I'll point it to the mirror

This is the last second chance

(I'll point you to the mirror)
I'm half as good as it gets
(I'll point you to the mirror)

I'm on both sides of the fence

(I'll point you to the mirror)
Without a hint of regret
I'll hold you to it

I know you don't believe me

But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off

Next time you point a finger

I'll point you to the mirror

I know you won't believe me

But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off

Next time you point a finger

I'll point you to the mirror

feeling sorry

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

I Love you Lyric by Avril Lavigne

lala, lalalala, lala, lalala

I like your smile
I like your vibe
I like your style
But that's not why I love you
And I, I like the way, you're such a star
But that's not why I love you, hey


Do you feel, do you feel me, do you feel what I feel too
Do you need, do you need me, do you need me-e-e


You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you, is you
Being you, just you
Yea the reason I love you
Is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you

lala, lalalala, lala, lalala

I like the way you misbehave
When we get wasted
But that's not why I love you
And how you keep your cool when I am complicated
But that's not why I love you, hey


Do you feel, do you feel me, do you feel what I feel too
Do you need, do you need me, do you need me-e-e

[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/i-love-you-lyrics-avril-lavigne.html ]


You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
And I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you, is you
Being you, just you
Yea the reason I love you
Is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you


ohhhh, ohhhh

Even though we didn't make it through
I am always here for you


You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you, is you
Being you, just you
Yea the reason I love you
Is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you

la la, la la la la (oh ohhh)
la la, la la la la (that's why I love you)
la la, la la la la (oh ohhh)
la la, la la la la (that's why I love you)